Fire & Emergency Services: Frequently Asked Questions


Where is Yarmouth's Fire Department located?
Yarmouth Fire Rescue is headquartered at 178 North Road. The station is open 8am-4pm Monday-Friday. The non-emergency number is: 846-2410.
What services does the Fire Department provide?
Yarmouth Fire Rescue provides all hazards emergency response to Yarmouth and surrounding communities. That includes:  
  • Fire suppression
  • Advanced life support emergency medical transport (which includes Advanced Life Support capabilities)
  • Hazardous materials response, and
  • Technical rescues.
Is Yarmouth's Fire Department staff or volunteer?
Yarmouth Fire Rescue is staffed by a full-time Fire Rescue Chief and Deputy Chief, an Administrative Assistant who is also a certified Firefighter and EMT.  A paramedic staffs the station 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Approximately 30 volunteer firefighters aid Fire Rescue efforts, responding to calls from their homes.  In addition, 4 students from Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) enrolled in the college’s Public Safety Student Live-In Program live at the station and assist on calls during the year.
I'm interested in volunteering for the Fire Department. What do I do?
Yarmouth Fire - Rescue is always in need of new volunteers. Stop by our Fire Station at 178 North Road (Monday- Friday) 8:00am to 4:00pm or come by any Wednesday night during our weekly training sessions. Click here for a Town of Yarmouth Employment application.
How do I obtain a burn permit?

Effective June 2017, Yarmouth residents can obtain a Burn (Fire) Permit online in one of two ways:

  • Residents can use this system to get a free digital permit at any time. Click here to access
  • State of Maine. Residents can use the state's online system to get a digital permit any time. (Click here) There is a charge of $7 for this service.
How do I pay my ambulance bill?
Yarmouth Fire Rescue uses Medical Reimbursement Services to process ambulance bills. Questions about ambulance bills can be answered at (207) 892-0020. Yarmouth Fire Rescue accepts Medicare, Mainecare and other commonly-used third party insurance sources. We also accept personal checks and can arrange credit card payments.
How can I obtain a copy of a fire or ambulance report?
Fire or emergency incident reports can be obtained by contacting our administrative offices (Monday -Friday) 8:00am to 4:00pm (207) 846-2410. In most cases, fire reports will be ready 2-3 business days after an occurs.

Patient care reports can be obtained ONLY by the patient or after providing a signed release from the patient. Questions about patient care reports can be directed to the departments Privacy Officer. Call (207) 846-2410 for more information.
Where should I install a carbon monoxide detector?
Every home should have a carbon monoxide (CO) detector adjacent to each sleeping area. This can wake you up and give you time to save your family.  There are many CO alarms on the market, some are combined with a smoke alarm. Carbon monoxide alarms should meet one of these standards: Canadian Standards Association 6.19-01, 2001; Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 2034, Second Edition, October 1998; or the International Approval Services 6-96, Second Edition, June 1, 1998. Just like smoke alarms, test and check batteries of CO alarms monthly and replace them annually.
Why do fire trucks respond on medical calls?
Many of Yarmouth Fire Rescue personnel are cross trained as Firefighters and EMS providers. Depending on the severity of the medical emergency, a fire engine can be simultaneously dispatched to provide addition personnel and resources.
Do you ever open the Fire Station for public tours?
Yes. The Fire Station typically invites the public to an Open House each fall. Check the Town Web Site for more details.