Wastewater Pollution Control

Chris Cline
Wastewater Superintendent
The Yarmouth Water Pollution Control Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of wastewater infrastructure in the Town. This consists of a 1.31 MGD wastewater treatment plant on Whitcombs Way that treats approximately 830,000 gallons per day of wastewater, a Rapid Drain Sand Filter on Cousins Island serving 40 homes, 30 wastewater pump stations, 40 miles of gravity sewer lines, 20 miles of low pressure sewer lines, 800 manholes, 10 on site electrical generators at select pump stations, 3 trailer mounted portable electrical generators as well as on site composting of biosolids at the Whitcombs Way facility that generates over 5000 cubic yards of compost per year which is utilized as soil amendment.

Yarmouth Wastewater - Contractor Handbook
"Don't Flush Wipes"   

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